Tuesday 15 October 2019

We will rock you musical holiday writing

On the awesome weekend i went to the WE WILL ROCK YOU MUSICAL and here was its location

It was time to rock so we hopped into the car and drove to the theatre. when we arrived we looked around and went to the shops and brought some Jaffas and a Crunchie bars and went back in time for the play. it begun with words that said that music died and it was set in the future then the first scene was people doing Ballet to Radio gaga then a man came up and he was called Gallalayo Figaro. then another girl came up and Gallalayo  called her Scarramoosh and they got arrested for singing and then the Killer Queen came up with her troopers and impatiently i saw the first male to play her. then tey fond people called the Bohemians and they joined and the Commandant called Killer Queen mum (they work together).
at half time the Jaffas ran out ad the Crunchie bars have been eaten so then we didn't want to wait till they end... afterwards we had a quite a slow day.


  1. It was such an awesome weekend wasnt it?! And such an exciting musical!!! It was fun to sing together wasnt it?:) ....and the costumes were amazing!

  2. Sound like you had a great time at the show Jacob.
    Please remember to check your writing, especially for capital letters for the beginning of sentences and for I.
