Thursday, 31 October 2019

Building a tent task 2

This is my Camp Survivor Challenge and we had to complete this to finish task 2.

What I learned.

I learned how to put the rods crossed-ways and how to put them into the slots.

The hardest part.

Trying to find a side to help with the rods because they were going all together and they may of snapped.

What worked well

was that the whole group helped out to make the tent up.
And that the ground was flat when we were setting it up.

Survivor Troop Challenge Task 1


  • Near trees and near a river but not too close to the river because if the river gets high you will get wet
  Bad weather , Bugs and predators, wind, rain, trees falling. 

  • Rope ,Sticks , Tarp , Rock's , Flacks and Leaves 
  •  ' Good thing You get fresh air 
  •  'Bad things : you will get bitten by bugs and you will get hurt, the hut might fall down. 

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

CC acrostic poem T4 W3

This is my Chapter Chat this week this person in this book is Alapino and has funky shoes  and people called him Ghost because he was so pale. Lou is just not as fast as Ghost.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

CC W2 T4 Creation Station



This is my CC for this week and this is the cool shoes that I made for Creation Station. Have a look I put hard work into this. At the moment its my birthday (oct 24th ) and I having a fine day. hope you like them!!

The difference between them is that the after is a better quality to the before and that one looks like a bumper boat and they look likes slow coaches. but after looks sweet and speedy. 

Monday, 21 October 2019

Calendar art Harry Potter final battle scene

This is my Calendar art i did. this is from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows P2  also known as the final battle. The best bit was making fire to the castle and colouring the connection between the red and green from the wands. 
(this post was set close to my birthday)

Thursday, 17 October 2019

CC W1 T4 Digital design

This is Chapter Chat, Term 3, Week 1 Digital Design that I made. this term. We have the story Ghost and the coach for the Defenders Track team is named that but his name is meant to be Coach Brody and he has a Cab that has a buisiness card and 1 for his team two.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Chapter Chat caught up ( 2 min 1 sec adobe spark project)

Related image

This is my Chapter Chat from weeks ago and this is a set of camp green lake rules

Rugby world cup Georgian redesigned jersey

This is me and Riley's rugby jersey 

My Kea badge team logo

Image result for badge This is my badge for my team.
My team is called...


we had to choose out of a native New Zealand plant or animal or whatever 

We will rock you musical holiday writing

On the awesome weekend i went to the WE WILL ROCK YOU MUSICAL and here was its location

It was time to rock so we hopped into the car and drove to the theatre. when we arrived we looked around and went to the shops and brought some Jaffas and a Crunchie bars and went back in time for the play. it begun with words that said that music died and it was set in the future then the first scene was people doing Ballet to Radio gaga then a man came up and he was called Gallalayo Figaro. then another girl came up and Gallalayo  called her Scarramoosh and they got arrested for singing and then the Killer Queen came up with her troopers and impatiently i saw the first male to play her. then tey fond people called the Bohemians and they joined and the Commandant called Killer Queen mum (they work together).
at half time the Jaffas ran out ad the Crunchie bars have been eaten so then we didn't want to wait till they end... afterwards we had a quite a slow day.