Wednesday 7 November 2018

Athletics crossover

i really liked athletics first i went for shot put, the other boys made things challenging with there skill and i never got a no through


 I came last in all of the races cause i'm not such a runner. i only did one race because my hay fever got worse from pollen in the grass holding me up

long   Jump

when the speaker roared for the 10 year old boys to come to the sandpit but unfortunately some boys didn't come so we did a practise throwing our legs in the sandpit when everyone came we went in order i was after Jesse in line when my turn came i ran as hard as my big legs could take me an i jumped of the mat in the sandpit with a big land sweeping  
the sand away from my feet then the teachers measured where i landed and i got further then my last jump 

High jump

after relays we walked to high jump so we walked to separate lines then the right handers  ran up to the bar and when they completed there turn i went but unfortunately i knocked the bar down all of my turns got wasted by doing that

I like Athletics so this is why i am sharing it to you

Go Athletes and Jacob you awesome as


  1. Well done Jacob! Great to see you giving athletics a go!

  2. good blog jacob I like it
